Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hockey- The basics

I had an experience today that made me want to post this.
What happened was, I noticed that for gym tutoring during study hall period they were playing floor hockey. Since I love hockey to death, I signed up. I didn't realize until I got there and a guy pointed it out that I was the only girl there. Honestly, I didn't care. I had so much fun, it rocked. But let me tell you, it hurts a lot more to play goalie without pads. Especially going down. Butterflying really hurts w/o pads, I don't recommend it. Anyway, it was still really fun just because I love the game.
I do play on an all girl's team, my teammates are really cool and because they used to have to rotate being goalie they really appreciate having me there. Unfortunately, they all know my name already which makes it tough for me because I don't remember names easily which means I feel bad for not knowing them all when they greet me by name. But whatever. The arena we're in now is much nicer than the ones I played in previously, much better ice quality. It was just mush some places I've played. But since there are a set of sunway-like tunnels under the arenas where the locker rooms are, so I got ost getting ther last time. But oh well. I'm just glad to be playing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Candy Bars

First a little clarification from last post: I am straight-edge punk. That means I don't do drugs, I don't drink, and I don't get into fights. Except during hockey. }:-) I'm Christian and punk. Yes, it's possible.

Okay, now on to candy bars! I'm bored so I think I will do a thing about which candy bars I like. Here goes:

Twix: Delicious carmel and cookie goodness! I really wanna try the peanut butter ones...
Snickers: I get a little sick of them cuz so many people give them out on Halloween, but I still love them. They're really good frozen.
Butterfingers: They're good, but if you eat a whole full-size one, it's just too much and you get a little sugar-overloaded.
Kitkats: Delicious and crunchy. Really fun to snap like in the commercial.
3 Musketeers: Fluffy chocolate, can be tasteless if you just had something flavorful.
Take 5: The best candy bar ever. Unfortunately I usually get about 1 per halloween. Why don't more people put pretzels in their candybars?
Reeses Cups: Is it just me or are they getting worse? I still like them, but not as much.
Milky Way: Not bad, but not the best either
M & M's: This isn't a candy bar, why is this on the list?
York Peppermint Patties: I love these things! So good!
Junior mints: Never actually tried them. Probably should.
Hersey's Milk Chocolate Bars: These are so good! I use them as motivation to do homework.

If this bored you, I appologize. I'll post something that's more about my life next time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Punk is NOT the same as emo or goth

It really ticks me off when people look at how different I am and say, "Are you emo?" NO, I am not. I am punk and proud of it. Emo people are a totally different thing. So are goths. The main thing is, punks are happy about life. We love being different and care about people and think norms are boring but we don't think life is pointless or that sort of thing. Or they're just really angry and want to undermine the system. But I'm not that angry about life yet. :) I'm not goth either, goth is a little too dark and depressed for me, although I love to draw goth people because they tend to have really good style.

To the left is a picture I drew during latin class on friday after a really obnoxious kid saw my safety pin necklace and insisted on saying I was emo no matter what I said to the contrary. But whatever, he wears so much hollister cologne it makes him loopy. Punk Rawk forever!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

About me

Here's a quick run down about me: I am
-a girl
-between the ages of 10 and 20
-Minnesotan, born and bred
-Pretty smart, but not top of the class
-A bit of a sharp tongue when you get me annoyed
-Sort of pretty, I guess...
-A punk/goth/non-conformist person thing...
-A christian (Lutheran to be exact)
-Pretty sensitive, despite my tough exterior.
-Goofy sometimes, serious others.
-An avid user of and
-An artist (I especially like anime and manga and that's usually the style I draw, altho I love to paint and draw landscapes and paint abstract)
-A huge batman fan (Comics in general too, but I especially like batman)
-A reader/collector of old archie comics
-A hockey player
-a lover of water (yes, water)
-a student at a really tough charter school

I have:
-A mom
-A dad
-a brother
-A dog, Kayla
-A cat, Gracie
-A good amount of friends, boys and girls both
-A sketchbook that is my life

I love:
-My family
-My friends
-People (most of the time)
-Animals (ditto)
-My art
-Art in general
-New books
-Old books
-Altering clothes so they look punk
-Freaking out my teachers
-High fives

That's the basics. Hopefully I didn't forget anything...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

About me and my blog

If you're reading this, you're starting at the beginning (a very good place to start). Welcome to my blog! I titled it sketches of life for 4 reasons:
1) I'm an artist and love to draw
2)The things in here are snapshots of my life
3)I will probably post sketches to go with posts
4)It sounded cool.
Hopefully I can post plenty, I get lazy sometimes and forget to do so. This will be about anything and everything that happens to me and that pops into my head. Rants about the world, stuff about friends and family, whatever. I am quite opinionated, but that doesn't mean I can't be argued over if you have a good counter argument. Well, here goes. Watch out world, I am about to waste cyber-space with my opinions!