Thursday, December 30, 2010

Clever People

They're ruining it for the rest of us. If, by accident or without knowing what you're getting yourself into, you accidently become friends with a clever person, it quickly becomes clear that you will never look witty again. I'm not saying clever people are bad. They definately have their uses, and even I have my moments of cleverness. And they are most definately important in bringing up the average intelligence of a country whose IQ has been severely damaged by the people who wear tin foil shirts around their microwaves to ward off the aliens.
On the whole, however, they just make the rest of us look stupid. Has it ever happened to you that you're making a good point, and then someone witty summarizes it in a humorous way and convinces everyone you were talking to in just one sentence? I find this especially irritating because I am a naturally arguementitive person and when someone else can make my point better than me, or faster then me, it irks me. This probably wouldn't happen as often if I didn't go to a school of much-too-clever-for-their-own-good teenagers.
The running story at our school is that we're all so smart, but wimpy, that we would be dead within a week anywhere else. Our school is small (my grade has less than 50), so everyone knows everyone, both in our grade and the grades up and down. Most people get along really well except the few slackers that we, like every school, have who keep passing grades for reasons no one is quite sure of. My school is amazing, and you'll no doubt get an earful about it at many points in forthcoming posts, so for now I'll sign off with a mutual "Bless you" and "Curse you" to the clever people of the world who make the rest of us look dumb.